Here at Bayside we believe guys are high octane individuals who have the ability to shape the future of our homes, business community and neighborhoods. Of course this doesn’t just happen overnight–it requires making strategic decisions to get involved!

Men's Bible Study
Goliath Must Fall: Wednesdays @ 7pm Believing that men are high octane individuals who can shape the future of our homes and community, FUEL Men’s Bible Study serves as a way for guys to get connected, dive into God’s Word and grow deep in their faith. There is no homework, and a lot of fun connecting & growing together. Join Jody Vaughn & other men at Adventure as they dive into the Acts of the Apostles video series taught by Louie Giglio. REGISTER for Wednesday Evening @ Midweek Questions? Email

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Getting connected doesn’t just happen overnight. It requires making strategic decisions to get involved! Let us know of your interest in connecting with Bayside Men.