Celebrate Recovery

Through Celebrate Recovery we have found lasting freedom from hurts, hang-ups, and habits including:

Anxiety | Abuse | Alcohol | Anger | Codependency | Depression | Divorce | Drugs | Eating Disorders | Enabling | Family Problems | Gambling | Job Loss | Guilt | Insecurity | Control | Overspending | Overworking | Pain | Perfectionism | Pornography | PTSD | Sexual Addiction | Shame | Self-Destruction | Stress | Unforgiveness | and More


When & Where?

We meet every Tuesday at Bayside Adventure Church in the A Building.

6:15pm | Celebration Place Check-In
6:30 – 7:30pm | Large Group (Lesson from the 12 Steps, Testimony, or Guest Speaker)
7:30 – 8:30pm | Open Share Group (Men with Men, Women with Women)
8:30 – 8:50pm | Connection Cafe (Fellowship Time) Questions? email us at celebraterecovery.adventure@baysideonline.com.

What is Celebrate Recovery?

If you're an adult, college student, teenager, or kid, Bayside's Recovery Ministry has something to help you through life with your hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Jesus said, "My grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak." (2 Cor. 12:9-10)

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There is a Place for Everyone

Celebrate Recovery:
18 and over

Offering the hope of recovery for adult men and women who want it in a safe, caring and positive environment.

Celebration Place:
K-5th grade

More than just childcare. While parents are attending Celebrate Recovery their kids ages 5-12 will be learning the same thing in a way that's unique to children

Stay Informed!

If you want to keep informed on what is happening at Adventure Celebrate Recovery, sign up for our newsletter.

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Support Celebrate Recovery

If you want to be involved but can't give of your time, there are other ways to support the ministry of Celebrate Recovery. We appreciate any amount you are able to give to help the ministry flourish so people can find freedom.

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The 12 Steps

Every step we take on our road to recovery is founded in Scripture. Want to know what the 12 steps are before committing? Check out this link below to understand why we do what we do and how we do it.

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8 Recovery Principles

These are the 8 helpful and practical ways we journey through the recovery program - something to help hold you accountable.

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Issue Pamphlet

Are you wondering what issue(s) you may be struggling with or what the issues that are talked about in CR are…check out the issue pamphlets below.

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