Prayers from the Church

Need encouragement? Click below to receive uplifting prayers and support from church members on the topics you need most.


  • I, too, am working through my addiction. In my recovery, it brought me here, and for that, I am grateful. I met a member of this church in my recovery group, and several weeks ago, she asked if I wanted to join her at the conference. A long time ago, I gave up on my faith. I have been abused by my stepfather, I lost my three-month-old son, and my own sister to drug addiction. But coming here, I felt the Spirit reaching for me. I feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off my heart in this newfound faith and friendships. It took over 25 years for me to find my faith, but I am still here. He waited for me with arms wide open. I love that I can give this burden of secrets, disappointment, and shame to Him. There is life outside of our addiction.
  • Addiction is a tough battle, but you are not alone. Healing takes time, and every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory. Stay strong, lean on each other, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. There is hope, and there is always a path to recovery. Keep holding onto love, patience, and faith—brighter days are ahead. God bless.
  • Dear ___, please trust in God. Your son will pass through this phase. Have faith and be strong. I’m very sorry about your son using drugs. Please don’t stop praying. I will be praying for you both. God will take him away from that path. He is a good young man. I love you both.
  • I’m sorry for your suffering. Addiction is a daily struggle that hurts. Every day is a new day. Please keep your faith, trust that this is all for something, and know that it will not last forever. Never give up. Fight, fight, fight. You are not alone.
  • I am sorry that you have an alcohol addiction. I am sorry that addiction has control over you, that you lost your son, or that it is destroying your marriage. Just know that God is here for you, that Jesus died for you. Admit that you are powerless over your addictions, give your life over to God, and let Him take control. Find strength in Him and in other like-minded people.
  • Do not fear, but through prayer and supplication, bring your grievances to Him. Your husband may be slipping up and struggling with sobriety, but God is more powerful than any drug. He has your husband in His hands. He hears from God, so trust that He will work on his heart. You are supported and loved.
  • To all those suffering from addiction and desiring to be free from it, don’t let that stop you from becoming a believer or depending on Him. Jesus loves you and accepts you just as you are. He will help transform your life. Yes, it can take time, but He will always be there. Don’t lose hope. Get rid of your shame. Amen and Amen.
  • Son, let Jesus free you from the devil that drowns you with poison. Alcohol is not stronger than God’s love. Let Him set you free. Fight. Be strong. God will cast this demon out, and you, my son, will be free. Love you. Amen.
  • To someone who is struggling with a sibling that is battling addiction, I am sorry you are going through this. I know how heartbreaking that is. I am praying for you and for healing to find you and your loved ones.
  • My brother, dear one, I know you don’t know what to do with your life. You want to be a good person, but you don’t know which way to go. I pray for you to be better, to stop doing bad things, and to find peace in your heart.
  • Please bring Your faith to my friends and loved ones so they can rest in Your grace, Jesus. I’m praying for my friends to find Jesus, to give up partying, and to come and repent to the Son, the Truth, the Way of Life.
  • I’m sorry that you’re going through such hardship, that you feel as though you need to confide in your alcoholism, but I am here to tell you that God can give you infinitely more comfort. Lean into Him.



  • God is with you always and knows your pain and suffering. Keep Him as your focus.
  • May God give you courage during your cancer treatment and heal you completely.
  • “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” – 2 Corinthians 4:16-17
  • I pray for your cancer to clear this year. Stay strong and ask God to heal. We have carried this for so long—Lord, please set it free. Amen.
  • I’m sorry that your spouse has cancer. I know it feels unfair and may challenge your faith, but know that God is with you and will never leave your side. Have faith. We love you and are praying for you. There is power in prayer.
  • To the mommy and daddy who just found out your child has leukemia—I am praying for you. It is unimaginably tough, a living nightmare, but in some way, this journey will reveal the beauty in life, the love in the world, and the strength that comes from prayer. God will carry your baby and your family through this.
  • To my patients battling cancer: Keep fighting. I know it’s not fair, and I know you don’t understand why this is happening. But I do know that the trials we face in this life are temporary compared to the eternal glory that awaits us. I pray that you find peace, comfort in God, and hope for the future. ♡
  • I am sorry that your son or daughter has been diagnosed with cancer. I will be here, praying for you every day for recovery. God bless.
  • I am so sorry your sibling is battling cancer. It is so hard to watch them fight and to know how best to help. I am praying for your sibling and your entire family—for healing, peace, and the confidence that God is walking with you all through this journey.
  • Hang in there. The spot on your lung will be taken care of. God is watching over every part of your life. Love you forever.
  • My daughter has terminal cancer. It is very hard to bear. Please pray for her. Thank you.
  • I’m sorry that you have to go through another cancer diagnosis. I know the worry and fear you feel. Remember that God will provide comfort and hold you in His care. So many people love and support you and will continue to pray for you. Be strong, courageous, and faithful. You got this. I love you.
  • I pray for those whose spouse is sick. I know how hard it is for a family to carry a cancer diagnosis. I am praying for all of you.
  • If you have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer and are preparing for surgery, radiation, or treatment—talk with your doctor about your questions and feelings. Lean on your closest family and friends. Ask those who love you to pray for you. Be strong and brave enough to ask for help, comfort, and prayers. God is with you.
  • The Lord loves you and will walk with you through radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and every step of your healing. I’m here for you. Lean on God’s promises.
  • I know your battle with cancer is causing you pain and anxiety. Please know that I am praying for you, asking heaven to bring you peace, strength, and everything you need.
  • I’m so sorry for your sudden cancer diagnosis. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I’ve experienced the pain of losing family members to cancer and understand the heartache from the other side. You are not alone in this battle. I am praying for your strength and a speedy recovery. God bless you, my friend.
  • I’m praying for your nephew who has cancer. I know how hard this journey is, and I pray that he finds the strength to get through this time.



  • Please, God, help me keep the faith that You will always provide for our needs. Our financial troubles are in Your hands, and I pray You will give help when needed. Help my husband find a job to provide for our family and relieve us of some of the financial struggles we face daily. In Your name, I pray. Amen.
  • Praying for you—hope you find a job that makes you thrive and someone who brings love and joy into your life. Love you. xoxo
  • For a long time, I prayed for purpose. I wasn’t sure what my life was meant for. I prayed that God would show me a door. Recently, I was offered a position that allows me to help veterans in need. God opened this door for me, and He will open doors for you.
  • I am so sorry that you lost your dream job. I know how painful that is. I feel the same way because it just happened to me a few days ago. Praying for you.
  • I know you’re afraid of being fired and that you feel rejected and abandoned by your colleagues. I feel your suffering. You are not alone. I love you, and I see you thriving and living your purpose. God bless you now and always!
  • Dear one, I know you are worried about your future. God knows all your worries, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Trust in Him—He will lead you to the job you seek. Love you!
  • I am struggling with a crisis of faith over whether working in the government is the right calling for me.
  • God has you in His hands and will provide open doors of employment and healing. Kenzie, Mom and Dad love you so much—keep your head up. Love you.
  • Don’t lose hope. You will find employment. You will find your path in your new life—God’s path for you. Love you! Stay strong in the Lord!
  • I understand the frustration of feeling underutilized, like you have so much more to offer. I want you to know that I am praying for you. You are called to your craft, called to make an impact for the Kingdom, and you bring excellence to what you do. Please stand strong and lean on the Lord as you walk through this uncertain season in your career.
  • I’m sorry that you were terminated from your career for an unjust reason. I know you feel alone, with no help, and that other agencies judge you based on the unfair actions of your previous employer. But know that God has you, and things will get better. Don’t let pride block your happiness—turn to God. He’s got you!
  • I know your work situation is difficult and causing you stress. But you will get through it. Know that God sees you, He is with you, and you are not alone.



  • Please, God, help me keep the faith that You will always provide for our needs. Our financial troubles are in Your hands, and I pray You will give help when needed. Help my husband find a job to provide for our family and relieve us of some of the financial struggles we face daily. In Your name, I pray. Amen.
  • Praying for you—hope you find a job that makes you thrive and someone who brings love and joy into your life. Love you. xoxo
  • For a long time, I prayed for purpose. I wasn’t sure what my life was meant for. I prayed that God would show me a door. Recently, I was offered a position that allows me to help veterans in need. God opened this door for me, and He will open doors for you.
  • I am so sorry that you lost your dream job. I know how painful that is. I feel the same way because it just happened to me a few days ago. Praying for you.
  • I know you’re afraid of being fired and that you feel rejected and abandoned by your colleagues. I feel your suffering. You are not alone. I love you, and I see you thriving and living your purpose. God bless you now and always!
  • Dear one, I know you are worried about your future. God knows all your worries, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Trust in Him—He will lead you to the job you seek. Love you!
  • I am struggling with a crisis of faith over whether working in the government is the right calling for me.
  • God has you in His hands and will provide open doors of employment and healing. Kenzie, Mom and Dad love you so much—keep your head up. Love you.
  • Don’t lose hope. You will find employment. You will find your path in your new life—God’s path for you. Love you! Stay strong in the Lord!
  • I understand the frustration of feeling underutilized, like you have so much more to offer. I want you to know that I am praying for you. You are called to your craft, called to make an impact for the Kingdom, and you bring excellence to what you do. Please stand strong and lean on the Lord as you walk through this uncertain season in your career.
  • I’m sorry that you were terminated from your career for an unjust reason. I know you feel alone, with no help, and that other agencies judge you based on the unfair actions of your previous employer. But know that God has you, and things will get better. Don’t let pride block your happiness—turn to God. He’s got you!
  • I know your work situation is difficult and causing you stress. But you will get through it. Know that God sees you, He is with you, and you are not alone.


  • Lord God, may You enter into Edward’s life and help him to know Your love and purpose. May he experience Your mercy and grace. Amen. I understand the journey. Jesus loves you!
  • Have faith in knowing that our God loves, heals, protects, and watches over His children—us, the ones He loves. The Lord has an amazing plan, a plan to prosper you and give you strength. God will bring you out of this stronger than before. Have faith, have hope, and trust in Him to work through you. God is good. He will never give you a battle you cannot overcome. Let this build you, let the Lord heal you, and let His Word work in you. Rely on Him, come to Him, and allow Him to restore your heart. Have faith and know He will fulfill His promises to you. I love you. You got this.
  • Unleashed (Teen/Student Conference): I just want to remind you—let the peace of God be with you. My prayer is that you will have an internal peace in your mind, body, and spirit. Yield to His calm as you walk through this process, no matter how difficult it may be. Let His peace bring you comfort. Even when He is silent, His peace reassures us that He is with us. “The Scripture says we are to comfort others with the comfort we have received.” – 2 Corinthians 1:3-5. Peace is yours today and always. Love, Sis.
  • Lord, let Your love, anointing, and presence flow over us.
  • Hello, please remember that not everyone can “show up” the way you expect. This is not a personality flaw! You may feel disappointed at times, but trust the process. Stay vigilant always!
  • Ask God to help you see the situation through His eyes. He will show you how to view it with love.
  • Hi, I know how it feels to wonder why I was chosen that day to be someone’s choice for pain. San Rafael will always bring heartache. But please know that what happened to you was never your fault. You never asked for it. It wasn’t anything you did, didn’t do, or said. Don’t let this event define your character or your life. I buried my pain deep for a long time, but I’ve learned that pain only hurts more when we try to ignore it. The best way to heal is to work through it. Talk to someone. Don’t keep it bottled up—face it so you can overcome it. You are loved, valued, and full of life. We matter to God. ☺ Amen.
  • There is hope. You are not alone. We will never lose our sparkle. Believe in yourself!
  • I’m sorry that you’re in so much pain right now. I know you feel like you’ll never be healed, never be okay. But trust me—you will. You will feel joy again. God will heal you, but you must endure this present time and lean on Him.
  • This was an assignment in church—we were asked to send encouragement to someone going through something we have faced in the past. I am sending you a hug as you navigate life. Know that I am here and that I love you. I pray that everything works out as it is meant to. I pray for strength, wisdom, knowledge, patience, understanding, and love to carry us through whatever may come.
  • Hi, I know it’s hard. The hurt hasn’t gone away yet. But it will. I promise. We don’t know when exactly, but we have hope in a God who makes us whole. Whether here or in heaven, our healing is certain. Stay strong—the Lord carries you every day with love and tenderness. No matter how much pain, God will never abandon you. Praying for you. ♡
  • No matter what struggle you’re facing, know that it always gets better. Even when it doesn’t seem like it, God has a plan for you. Just trust Him.
  • God is hearing our prayers. He cares. We will be healed through Jesus Christ’s power and goodness. He loves us all. Our Empty Nose Syndrome will be healed.
  • I know that sometimes we struggle to see the blessings in our lives. We feel lost, as if God skipped over us. But Ephesians 1:3 says that we have already received every blessing bestowed upon Christ in heaven. Rest in the knowledge that blessings overflow in your life, even through challenges.
  • May God be with you in your challenges. You are surrounded by love—both from people and from God. Whatever the challenge, you will overcome it. God bless you.
  • “Everything’s gonna be alright!” – Jeremiah 29:11
  • Dear Someone, if you’re going through a difficult time today, remember that God is always there to guide and protect you. He is bigger than any trial. These struggles are meant to make us stronger and better. Keep the faith and keep praying! God bless! – Your Friend
  • To Sheila and Marvin, please know that God is near, a very present help in times of trouble. Be encouraged—He will never leave you. Praying for you. Amen.
  • Miss, you are strong, courageous, and capable. With your resilience, the support around you, and God’s guidance, you will overcome every trial. “The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that is coming.” – Romans 8:18. You are loved.
  • I feel your pain. I’m sorry you have to go through this, but know that I am praying for your strength and peace. God is with you, and His plan is good. He will lead us to salvation. Let’s celebrate His plan together.
  • As you read this, I am praying for you. God is the answer to all your questions. He is worthy of your trust. I have known pain, but I also know that I am His child. He suffered for us because of His immense love. His love is never-ending unless we reject it. I cannot live without Him. He is our only way to the answers we seek.
  • You are an amazing teacher. You give so much to your class and to those around you. Keep loving your students, even on the hard days. Keep loving the “unlovable” students—your love is needed!
  • Turn your eyes to Jesus. Ask for His peace to fill you. Pray for strength to persevere. I know how difficult it is to feel overwhelmed. I am praying for you to find His peace and strength.
  • May God heal your heart just as He healed mine. Trust in Him through the hard times. I love you.
  • You are enough. You are significant. Some will try to convince you otherwise, but remember that you are loved. No one else’s opinion of you matters. God loves you despite your past—let it shape you into who you are meant to be today. You matter.
  • I am sorry that you don’t feel comfortable where you are. I understand that uncertainty. Trust in God’s plan—He knows what He’s doing. You are exactly where you are meant to be. I am praying for you.
  • Look to 2 Timothy 3 and Isaiah 54: “No weapon formed against you will prosper.” The Lord will rescue you from every attack. 1 Peter 5:10 speaks of how God will restore you and make you strong. I’m praying for you. Love, your brother.
  • I pray that you find light in the darkness and leave it all in God’s hands. He has a plan for you, and you are deeply loved.
  • I’m sorry your world is crashing down around you and that you’ve received painful news. I understand the deep sorrow of losing things and people you love. My heart breaks for you as you grieve loss after loss. May God comfort you, bring you peace, and calm the storms around you. I love you. This is NOT your fault. Jesus loves you and is with you in your pain.
  • You will get through this. God will provide, heal, and restore everything. His light will shine through all of us. He loves us all.
  • When you feel helpless and have no strength to go on, cry out to God every moment. He will strengthen and carry you through your struggles. That is His promise to us, and He is faithful.
  • Letting go of control is one of the hardest struggles. I know what it feels like to want to control the path of your future. But God’s ways are better. Release your control and place your trust in Him. I pray that you will surrender to His plan and follow His ways rather than your own. You’ve got this. He is with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  • Don’t give up. God gives us strength when we can’t find it in ourselves. Keep trusting Him.
  • I am so sorry that you are going through this. It is tough, and I am praying for you.
  • I pray that you find peace in the path God has prepared for you. May you find comfort, healing, and alignment with His purpose. I pray you rest in the calling He has created you for.
  • Things will get better. I promise you that. And I promise that I will pray for you.
  • I pray that you trust in God’s timing. Lean on those who love you. You don’t have to be strong all the time.
  • “In the name of Jesus, we have the victory.”Matthew 6:33
  • God has already equipped you with everything you need. Don’t let the stress of the world dim the light He has placed in you. Keep showing up and being your best every day—that is your purpose and truth.
  • God, I pray for those walking a confusing path right now. Help them find guidance and strength until they realize that with You, all things are possible.
  • Hi, friend, don’t let confusion consume you. It’s not your job to figure everything out. God has a plan for you. Keep your heart and mind on Him and allow Him to guide your next step.
  • We love you so much. May God continue to bless you, protect you, and lead you toward self-love and healing. God wants more for you. I am praying that you see yourself the way God sees you!
  • You can trust God. He loves you and has good plans for you. He knows you—He made you. He will restore your heart and bring you peace, joy, and hope.
  • Keep your eyes, mind, and heart on Jesus. He sees exactly what you’re going through. Talk to Him. He knows your grief and carries it with you. Give your burdens to Him. God bless you always.
  • I hope you get through this. Keep your head high. Things will get better. I’m praying for you always.
  • You are enough. You are beautiful. You are loved. I pray that you see yourself as Jesus sees you. God bless you.
  • You are loved—by me and by your Heavenly Father. When life feels overwhelming, know that He sees you, He understands, and He is teaching you about His love, mercy, and compassion. Take a deep breath. Keep your eyes on Him.
  • Keep going!
  • You are seen. You are heard. You are loved. Rest in His presence and KNOW that He is good. I’m praying for you.
  • I know life can be hard. But when you give everything to God, He can work miracles in your life. You are never alone—He is always with you.
  • I know what you’re going through is difficult, but you will get through it! Sending prayers and love.
  • Be encouraged—there is a name above all names: JESUS! Earthly understanding cannot comprehend the power of the spiritual, but with God, all things are possible!
  • Hi, friend, cry out to the Lord for comfort and peace in your darkest time. Only He can give it. I am praying for peace and joy that surpasses all understanding. Don’t give up! Know that God will give you strength.
  • Hey there, I just want to remind you—there is a community that cares for you deeply. Whether you’re struggling with education, relationships, or family trauma, you are important. This experience is making you stronger. I’m praying for you. I love you, and Jesus loves you! You will fulfill the purpose God has for you. Amen.
  • Be patient and trust God’s timing. Never give up. You are exactly where you’re supposed to be.
  • You are doing enough. No one has life completely figured out. What matters is that you’re trying your best. Even if you feel lost now, you are not. Stay faithful—God’s plan will become clear, and blessings will arrive. Love you!
  • I know life has been hard for you. Things haven’t gone as planned, and it’s easy to dwell on the negatives. But let go of your anger! Your sacrifices will bless you in the end. I am praying for you. Amen!
  • Hi! If you’ve been struggling to find joy and peace in your circumstances, know you’re not alone. Recently, God has shown me that He is bigger than anything we are facing. He is the joy in the midst of our mess! As you read this, I am praying for you. Jesus loves you!
  • Hi! If you’ve been struggling to find joy and peace in your circumstances, know you’re not alone. Recently, God has shown me that He is bigger than anything we are facing. He is the joy in the midst of our mess! As you read this, I am praying for you. Jesus loves you!
  • I pray that you find light in the darkness and leave it all in God’s hands. He has a plan for you, and you are deeply loved.
  • I’m sorry your world is crashing down around you and that you’ve received painful news. I understand the deep sorrow of losing things and people you love. My heart breaks for you as you grieve loss after loss. May God comfort you, bring you peace, and calm the storms around you. I love you. This is NOT your fault. Jesus loves you and is with you in your pain.
  • You will get through this. God will provide, heal, and restore everything. His light will shine through all of us. He loves us all.
  • When you feel helpless and have no strength to go on, cry out to God every moment. He will strengthen and carry you through your struggles. That is His promise to us, and He is faithful.
  • Letting go of control is one of the hardest struggles. I know what it feels like to want to control the path of your future. But God’s ways are better. Release your control and place your trust in Him. I pray that you will surrender to His plan and follow His ways rather than your own. You’ve got this. He is with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
  • Don’t give up. God gives us strength when we can’t find it in ourselves. Keep trusting Him.
  • I am so sorry that you are going through this. It is tough, and I am praying for you.
  • I pray that you find peace in the path God has prepared for you. May you find comfort, healing, and alignment with His purpose. I pray you rest in the calling He has created you for.
  • Things will get better. I promise you that. And I promise that I will pray for you.
  • I pray that you trust in God’s timing. Lean on those who love you. You don’t have to be strong all the time.
  • “In the name of Jesus, we have the victory.”Matthew 6:33
  • God has already equipped you with everything you need. Don’t let the stress of the world dim the light He has placed in you. Keep showing up and being your best every day—that is your purpose and truth.
  • God, I pray for those walking a confusing path right now. Help them find guidance and strength until they realize that with You, all things are possible.
  • Hi, friend, don’t let confusion consume you. It’s not your job to figure everything out. God has a plan for you. Keep your heart and mind on Him and allow Him to guide your next step.
  • We love you so much. May God continue to bless you, protect you, and lead you toward self-love and healing. God wants more for you. I am praying that you see yourself the way God sees you!
  • You can trust God. He loves you and has good plans for you. He knows you—He made you. He will restore your heart and bring you peace, joy, and hope.
  • Keep your eyes, mind, and heart on Jesus. He sees exactly what you’re going through. Talk to Him. He knows your grief and carries it with you. Give your burdens to Him. God bless you always.
  • I hope you get through this. Keep your head high. Things will get better. I’m praying for you always.
  • You are enough. You are beautiful. You are loved. I pray that you see yourself as Jesus sees you. God bless you.
  • You are loved—by me and by your Heavenly Father. When life feels overwhelming, know that He sees you, He understands, and He is teaching you about His love, mercy, and compassion. Take a deep breath. Keep your eyes on Him.
  • Keep going!
  • You are seen. You are heard. You are loved. Rest in His presence and KNOW that He is good. I’m praying for you.
  • I know life can be hard. But when you give everything to God, He can work miracles in your life. You are never alone—He is always with you.
  • I know what you’re going through is difficult, but you will get through it! Sending prayers and love.
  • Be encouraged—there is a name above all names: JESUS! Earthly understanding cannot comprehend the power of the spiritual, but with God, all things are possible!
  • Hi, friend, cry out to the Lord for comfort and peace in your darkest time. Only He can give it. I am praying for peace and joy that surpasses all understanding. Don’t give up! Know that God will give you strength.
  • Hey there, I just want to remind you—there is a community that cares for you deeply. Whether you’re struggling with education, relationships, or family trauma, you are important. This experience is making you stronger. I’m praying for you. I love you, and Jesus loves you! You will fulfill the purpose God has for you. Amen.
  • Be patient and trust God’s timing. Never give up. You are exactly where you’re supposed to be.
  • You are doing enough. No one has life completely figured out. What matters is that you’re trying your best. Even if you feel lost now, you are not. Stay faithful—God’s plan will become clear, and blessings will arrive. Love you!
  • I know life has been hard for you. Things haven’t gone as planned, and it’s easy to dwell on the negatives. But let go of your anger! Your sacrifices will bless you in the end. I am praying for you. Amen!


  • Hey, Lovely,
    I’m beyond sorry for the trial and pain you are experiencing while waiting for your answer. In this season of waiting, God is preparing a new path of guidance for you. As you read this, I am praying for you. The transition from being a teen to adulthood is a struggle, but let this be a reminder to lean into intimacy with God—He has never forsaken nor left you. What you are experiencing right now might be your reality, but it is not your future. Scripture says God knew the plans He had for you even while you were in your mother’s womb. Trust in His timing and lean not on your own understanding, but on His perfect plans for you. Love you!
  • I know what it’s like to feel abandoned. But stand strong in who you are. You are brave. You are amazing. You are loved.
  • To the one who feels lost—like you shouldn’t be feeling lost, like you don’t know what’s next or how to follow God—you are not alone. God is with you, guiding your steps. Day by day, keep turning your eyes and ears to Him. You are deeply loved.
  • To those going through a season of isolation, I pray that you take this time to seek God with your whole heart. I have seen how He has used my suffering for good, transforming my heart even when my circumstances didn’t change. May you be encouraged and drawn closer to the heart of the Father.
  • I know it can be difficult to navigate social situations and find confidence in interacting with others. But your confidence is in God. He made you worthy and important—never forget that.
  • When you are lonely or broken, run to your Father, God. He is always with you. Pray for peace—for your soul, your heart, and your mind.
  • I’m sorry you are feeling lonely. Strangely enough, that fact proves you are not alone. There is a community out there for you. There are people who love you, and above all, there is a God who loves you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong.
  • You are not alone.
  • I know this world can feel cold, and you may feel like you are alone—but you are not. We are kindred spirits, and we are loved by a love far greater than anything earthly. God bless you. You are deeply loved.
  • I pray that you find God in your struggles and hard times. You are not alone, and everything will work out. If you are lost, turn to Him—He will help and heal you. Love you, be safe!
  • It can be hard to find your place at school, to sit with others, and to make new friends. Be patient and trust in God. I know how lonely and scary it can feel, but He is preparing something for you. Don’t let the actions or words of others harden your heart toward God. If you are longing for love and connection, know that God is preparing you during this season.
  • Encourage yourself to open up. Learn to love yourself better. Step outside, meet new people, and let them love you.
  • You are enough. You do not need validation from others. Your heart and soul are good. God loves you unconditionally. I pray that you see how beautiful you are through His eyes and that you continue to love others as He loves you.
  • I hope you find peace in your friendships and relationships. I’m truly sorry you feel alone in this season. God’s got you. I’m praying for you. I know what this feels like. I know it feels heavy, and you don’t know who truly loves you. But you are chosen and crafted by God.A high school student
  • Hello! I am so sorry you feel alone. But please know you aren’t. God sees your struggles and is walking alongside you. Talk to Him, pray to Him, and give Him your worries. Everything will be okay.
  • I pray you know your worth. What happened was never your fault, and you are handling life the best way you can. I’m sorry you lost faith in humanity and that your heart broke far too young. You are worthy of love, and one day, you will find it. You deserve the same love that you give to the world—no matter how cruel the world has been to you.
  • You are a miracle. The world is better with you in it. Even on the nights when you feel alone, you aren’t. Keep going. You matter.
  • No matter what struggles you are facing, you are not alone. Don’t be afraid. The pain and loneliness will not last forever. God is leading you to a brighter place. Stay strong. Don’t give up!
  • It may feel like you are alone, like no one truly loves or values you—but you are so deeply loved. God calls you His own. I pray you realize how beautiful, amazing, and chosen you are. He loves you perfectly. — A high school student



  • Hey boy, I have been through the divorce of your parents, and I want you to know—it is not your fault. You are not the reason for this. Stay strong and stay close to the Lord. You don’t need to solve their issues or mediate between them. You are amazing and deeply loved by both of your parents, and you will always be perfect in God’s eyes. You will get through this. Don’t give up—keep your focus on the LORD and lean into Him. If you need help, I am here for support.
  • Hey guy, I know you are in pain. Distrust is one of the hardest things to go through in a relationship. Keep praying and working through it. I know it hurts, but God is with you, and He will walk with you every step of the way. He will be your support.
  • Hey, I know you are confused about what to do with your marriage. Whatever you choose, you will get through this season in life. Choose what will bring you peace, and don’t be afraid of what others will think. You have done everything you can—trust in God’s guidance.
  • To my sister, Lord, I ask You to place Your hands over her and her marriage. To anyone struggling in their relationship—don’t give up, but give it all to the Lord. He will guide you through this storm. Keep fighting for what you love. He is comforting you through every trial and tribulation.
  • Everything will get better between you and your husband. Keep praying, keep pushing through. Leave it all to God. Keep your faith strong for your family. I pray for your situation and mine. We are in this together. With God, all things are possible. I love you!
  • Dear Friend,
    I am so sorry your marriage feels like it is barely holding on. I know how hard it seems, how most days feel like it won’t ever get better. But I want you to know that I am praying for you—praying for peace, comfort, and healing. Have faith—God loves you.
  • I’m sorry everything feels like it’s falling apart in your marriage. I pray that God covers your family and helps you through this difficult time.
  • I encourage you to keep working hard and to put your family first. Love one another with all your heart. I am praying for an outcome that allows your family to remain strong in love.
  • Hey! If you are going through something hard, God sees you. I see you. Others see you—even if it doesn’t feel like it. My parents are going through a divorce, and as an almost 16-year-old, it’s been so hard, but God is faithful. Good things will come to you and to me! Praying that whoever reads this feels so loved! ♡
  • I’m so sorry that your marriage and your relationships with your daughters are causing you great pain. I know it brings resentment and chaos into your life. But let me encourage you—trust our Good Father in heaven. Do not lose heart. This is not meaningless.
  • Encouragement to the one who has been waiting for years for God’s hand—stay faithful. Love up—He is going to bless you beyond measure. God bless you on your journey. Love you! ♡
  • I grew up in a chaotic home with parents who always fought and were abusive toward me. I prayed for God to do something different in my life. And He did. I am now in a loving, happy marriage of 12 years. Our children are happy and loved. God is faithful. He sees you, and He hears your prayers. Don’t give up hope! Your future can and will be different with God’s help.
  • I pray that God brings peace to your heart and mind so that you may see all the good He has placed in your life. May you not see your marriage and daily life as a struggle, but as a gift that has purpose.



  • Hey you! I know you’re having a hard time. You’re trying so hard to hold it together for your family, but you’re at a point where you realize you need help. I want you to know it’s okay! It’s okay to not be okay, and it’s okay to speak up. You’ve been carrying it all inside for so long, and it’s taking a toll on you—physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s time to let it out and make room for God’s goodness in your life. It’s time to feel joy and real happiness again. He will take your pain and wipe away your tears in exchange for a heart full of hope and a smile of joy. You’re going to be okay.
  • I pray that you find light in your darkness. I pray that you communicate your troubles and seek forgiveness. I pray that you walk with your head held high and push away all the negativity that has been thrown your way. I pray that you believe your homelessness is only temporary and that you keep fighting to stay alive. Don’t give up.
  • I’m sorry if you feel like you’re stuck, like you don’t know where you’re going, or like your past hurts, habits, and hang-ups will always hold you back from being the person you want to be—the person God calls you to be. I know what it’s like to have so much love and good intentions but also so much fear—like you can’t be a good enough son, father, friend, brother, boyfriend, or husband. But I have to remind myself: those we love see how much we care. Your efforts do not go unnoticed. You are enough, and you are always growing. You don’t have to be perfect—and that’s okay. God bless you.
  • I pray that your anxiety loses its grip on your thoughts, actions, and heart. I pray that your burden will be lifted and your stress relieved by God. With His everlasting support, you will feel hope and joy again.
  • Hi there, I’m sorry you’re struggling right now. I know there must be a lot weighing on your mind. I am praying for you and sending blessings. Jesus loves you.
  • Whoever is reading this, I’m sorry you are feeling unloved and like life is too heavy right now. I pray that you find peace with God. Even though life feels overwhelming, you don’t have to carry it alone. There are people in this world and a Father in Heaven who can help you carry your burden. There is light on the other side, and you willmake it there.
  • I pray that God heals your heart and takes away your anger. I pray for your healing.
  • Dear Friend,
    I know what it’s like to grow up with a parent who struggles with mental illness. You never knew what to expect, and that uncertainty filled you with fear. But I want you to know—God is always present. He is your hiding place, your refuge, and your rock in times of trouble. He has a plan and purpose for you, and He will use your experiences to bring healing to others.
  • I know what it feels like to walk through fear, worry, and depression. It may seem like things will never get better, but they will. This too shall pass, and someday you will praise God for carrying you through. Never give up. Put your trust in the Lord.
  • I am so sorry for the anxiety you are experiencing. I know it can be debilitating. But believe this: you can find the strength to press on. Jesus is your healer. He will carry you through each moment and bring ultimate healing.
  • Today may feel overwhelming, like there will never be peace, but hold on to the hope that better days are ahead. I am praying that your anxiety will be lifted with God’s love and promises. Stay strong. He hears your heart.
  • I’m sorry you feel lost, that you are carrying this heavy sadness, that you feel like you’ve lost who you are. I don’t have the perfect words to take away your pain, but I know this—God is reaching out to you. He sees you, He loves you, and He is walking through this with you. You are not lost. He knows exactly where you are. I am praying for you!
  • My son, weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. God’s mercy is renewed every day. I know it hurts now, but lean on the Lord and let Him carry your hurt. I love you. — Mom
  • I’m sorry for everything your brother has gone through and for what he has put you and your family through. I pray that one day he finds the help he needs and comes to know the Lord. I pray for healing and peace for your entire family.
  • I know anxiety makes so many situations, especially social settings, feel overwhelming. I pray that God gives you peace and strength.
  • My child is an adult and is struggling with mental health challenges. But I know she is a child of God. He has shown me that He is with her. So now, I am stepping back and watching the salvation of the Lord at work.
  • I know how hard it is to open up and allow yourself to be vulnerable. I know the pain and hurt seem unbearable. But freedom comes with healing. And the peace you will feel after healing will be more than you can imagine. God has given us a promise—He will never stop loving you.
  • To the parents or grandparents with children struggling with anxiety and depression: I know how hard it is to watch someone you love suffer. I am praying that God comforts you and places loving, supportive people in their lives to walk beside them. God has you.
  • I pray that you learn to open up and trust others with your burdens so that you can receive the love and help you need to overcome these thoughts. The weight of the world is too heavy to carry alone. You were never meant to carry it all. You are not expected to be perfect—so don’t expect it from yourself. Love the Lord, love others, and trust Him with your path. Step by step, keep walking forward with Him.
  • I know there are days when you don’t understand why you are going through this. The unknown is scary. It can lead to panic and fear. But praise God—He is with you. You are never forgotten.
  • Brother, I know you are struggling. You are not alone.
  • “I ran to the Father.” If you are fighting depression and loneliness, I encourage you to get close to God. Take your medicine, take care of yourself, and keep going. The Lord loves you. He is there for you. He is your comforter, your healer. And He will never leave you.



  • You are beautiful, smart, special, and truly blessed. You are here for a reason. Your miscarriage is in God’s hands—He is holding your baby in His loving arms. The angels are singing, “Holy, Holy.” You have a sweet little one waiting to meet you one day! God took away something you couldn’t handle, and He will not give you more than your strength can bear. Jesus is with you. God is looking for you, knocking on your door. He has not forsaken you, and He has not forgotten about you. You are more than a miscarriage. Your body did not fail you. ♡
  • I am so sorry you are going through this pain. I, too, have experienced this loss, and it is truly heart-wrenching. Keep praying—God is with you through every tear and every moment of sorrow. Stay strong, keep fighting, and keep living. I am praying for you and sending you a big hug. God has His arms wrapped tightly around you.
  • Praying for the woman who is single and desperately wants to be a mom but doesn’t believe it’s possible. Trust in God’s timing. There is a plan greater than you can see. He will comfort you, strengthen you, and make a way where there seems to be no way.
  • Hey—you did nothing wrong. You are meant to become a mom, and one day, you will be. You are meant for so much more, and I am so proud of you. We love you!
  • I pray that the Lord continues to strengthen you as you walk this journey of trying to conceive. Everything happens in His perfect time. We do not always understand what He is clearing out of our path to bring everything together for His glory. Continue to trust Him—He will provide.
  • I’m so sorry for the loss of your child. I wish you didn’t have to go through this pain. I feel your sorrow, and I know how deeply this hurts. Please know that God loves you and is holding both you and your little one close.
  • Hey there,
    I’m really sorry for your worries and concerns about miscarriage, your challenges in trying to have children, and the pressure you’ve placed on yourself through it all. God sees you, and He is walking beside you. He has great plans for you, even in the waiting. I am praying for you, and I believe with all my heart that God is working in your life.



  • In your loss, may God comfort you like a mother and be your Father. “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you.” – Psalm 55:22
  • Losing a loved one is the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I know the pain and struggles you are facing. The pain is temporary, but God’s grace and love are forever. Pain is not in God’s heart, but it reveals His strength when we have none left. I pray for you in your times of hurt.
  • You are in my thoughts and prayers. I know how hard it is to lose your life partner—the one you thought you would have had more years with. It is lonely, day and night, but you will get through it. I know you feel like you don’t want to go on, but you will—for the sake of your children. Know that God has you in His hands and will carry you through the pain and loss.
  • I am so sorry that you’ve lost your grandmother. I just want you to know that I’m praying for you. Stay strong. God bless you.
  • I am so sorry you lost your son-in-law in a terrible motorcycle accident. I have been praying for you and sending my love.
  • Life is hard, but the love of God will pull you through. Know that your loved one is with Him now, in a place free from pain.
  • Dear friend,
    I know the heartbreak of losing a spouse. The nights feel endless, and even breathing seems impossible. But God has you—He will walk with you through this grief. Lean on Him, lean on your friends, and know that you are never alone. I am praying for you.
  • Keep the faith and believe. Losing someone—like your dad to cancer—is hard, but remember how much they loved you. It’s painful, but keep their memory alive. When you are sad, talk to the Lord. Your dad is okay now. May the Lord bless you always.
  • I know you are feeling the weight of losing your dad. Even though you may feel guilt over how life has gone these past years, he loved you. Don’t lose faith in that. I am praying for your strength moving forward.
  • I am so sorry you lost your husband. I promise the pain won’t always be this overwhelming. Our God is mighty—He hears every cry and sees every tear. You are so loved. You are not alone. I don’t know you, but I will pray for you. I lost my husband unexpectedly, and I understand your pain.
  • I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you in this time of need. I don’t know you, but I am praying for you. Even in this difficult time, you are blessed.
  • You lost your sister. She is irreplaceable, but trust that you will see her again. She sees you now. Live a life that honors her memory.
  • Hey, I know it’s hard, but it will get easier. Nothing can bring them back, but they are in a better place. The best thing you can do now is to accept that, find peace, and keep moving forward. I’m so sorry for your loss.
  • Losing a sibling, especially at a young age, is a difficult path… But Jesus is with you. Believe that there is something honorable coming from this loss. Jesus loves you. Keep going.
  • In the midst of the storm, chaos, and pain, find the joy in the Lord’s nearness. Call on Him, and He will bring you peace, even in your darkest hour. Trust that He hears you. Even without your earthly father, He is with you. I am praying for you. I am so sorry. Love you, and God bless you!
  • From my mother’s heart, I break for your loss. I understand your sadness and devastation. May the God of mercy cover you with love and compassion. May He bring you acceptance, grace, and strength. I know where you are, and I know that God will see you through. Child loss is unthinkable. I am praying for you on your journey.
  • I’m really sorry you lost your mom. I know the grief you feel is overwhelming, like drowning. Feel your feelings, but don’t let them consume you. Lean into God. Cry if you need to. There will be better days ahead. I’m praying for your peace and comfort. Keep moving forward.
  • Trust in God and trust in yourself. This pain will not last forever. I know what it’s like to lose someone close. Things may seem impossible, but God’s got you. Things will get better.
  • I know the loss of a parent or sibling due to suicide is unbearable. I’m so sorry for the pain you’re going through. Try not to rely on anything other than your faith. I turned to other things, and nothing helped—only God did. I am praying for you always, and I am so sorry.
  • I am so sorry you lost your father. I know how much it hurts to lose someone you love. My heart hurts for you, but I am praying. You are strong. I know the pain won’t fully go away, but don’t stop fighting. Turn to God—He will help you. I’m here for you. You are loved, and your dad is loved.
  • I read that you lost your husband at a young age. I also read that you recently lost your sons. I want you to know that, although we don’t know each other, I am keeping you in my prayers. I pray that you will feel God’s love and that He will give you strength to take one step at a time.
  • Losing your mom is painful and hard. I am praying for you. I love you. Hang in there.
  • Be encouraged, my dear sister in Christ. Rest assured that the pain of losing a loved one is temporary. Our God will fill the void in your heart. No more suffering. No more pain for those who have gone before us. Love you.
  • I am so sorry that you lost your mom. She was your best friend. I know how much you are suffering, yet you grieve in silence. I pray for you every day. You are strong. She loves you so much. Keep leaning on Jesus.
  • I’m sorry that you lost your best friend. You will get through this, but you will never forget them. I will be praying for you.
  • I am sorry I wasn’t there for you during your loss. My heart was with you, even if I didn’t say the right words. I am praying for you.
  • I am so sorry you lost your child. I can only imagine how you are feeling. May God watch over you and guide you through the rest of your life.
  • The loss of your son paralyzes you with pain. You don’t want to go on. Please, just take one step at a time and give the rest to God. He will help. I understand that terrible pain. I am praying for you.
  • I am sorry you lost your sister. Know that she is no longer suffering. I can’t imagine your pain, but I hope you are finding strength. Love you.
  • Trust in Jesus. I’m sorry for your loss. I know the pain. I will pray for your peace. God bless you.
  • For the family of the one lost in a car accident—how tragic that is. I pray for them and for you.
  • I feel the same grief that you feel. I’m sorry for that, but we will get through it together with God.
  • I am really sorry you lost your mom. I can’t imagine what you are going through. I am praying for you.
  • I am praying for you and your family in this difficult time of losing your husband. I can’t possibly know how you feel, but I’m praying for you, asking God to give you strength and wisdom. Press into Him and trust His promises. Our Father loves you, cares for you, and will see you through. It won’t be easy, but He will be there for you always. I’m here for you, and God is here for you. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
  • Hi, I am sorry that you lost your precious brother. I want you to know that I am praying for you and that one day, you will be reunited with him, as God has promised. May this comfort you today.



  • I know how difficult it is when family situations bring pain—when your daughter-in-law finds fault with so many things and affects your relationship with your grandkids. I am praying for peace in your family. This too shall pass. Your son will come around and see all of your sacrifices. Keep praying. Amen.
  • First-time momma,
    So many changes—mentally, physically, and emotionally. Trust in your partner, your family, and your Father in Heaven. It’s overwhelming, tiring, and sometimes even scary. But what a blessing it is to experience these feelings for your bundle of joy. Glory to God & best wishes.
  • Dear sweet, faithful mama,
    You have poured your energy and devotion into raising your family. You are not perfect, and you may fall short in your intentions, but remember—God is the Father. He will do everything you couldn’t, everything you didn’t know how to do, and everything you got wrong. Give it all to Him, and He will bring good out of it. You are a favored daughter of God. Accept His love & forgiveness. You matter more than you know.
  • To the mother of small children,
    You got this! Some days will be hard and exhausting. But know that God doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle. Trust in Him to give you patience and love. You are their world. You are all they need.
  • I’m sorry you’re having problems with your family. Remember that you have value, and time will bring healing. You are loved, and you are not alone.
  • If you are a parent with a child going through something difficult, I see you. I will pray for you. During the sleepless nights, turn to God—always. He will get you through. I pray you feel His arms holding you close and comforting you. Surrender it all to Him.
  • A note of encouragement:
    May God restore what was once lost. You are not alone. He can heal all things. Your daughter is loved, and one day, she will return to you and turn away from the world. I will continue to pray that your relationship is renewed and that you will be together again.
  • I am so sorry your teenager is being difficult and saying hurtful things. I know it breaks your heart when she says she hates you. Please forgive her—she doesn’t mean it. One day, she will find her way to God, and you will have a beautiful relationship. Time will heal, and God is good. Trust in Him—nothing is impossible for Him.
  • I am praying that God relieves your worries and anxieties about your pregnancy. Trust in the Lord’s plan for you and your family.
  • I know you are struggling as a parent—not having all the answers, not being able to take away your children’s pain. It is so hard to watch them suffer, whether physically or emotionally. But hold onto this truth: Jesus is here for you and for them. He loves you and your children fully, forever, and for eternity.
  • Hey,
    I know having children with disabilities can be challenging. I know there are moments when you feel angry at the world. But our children were made perfectly in the Lord’s eyes. They are such a blessing. They teach us patience, love, and a new way to see the world.
  • To my children,
    I’m so sorry this change has been hard for you. I am praying and hopeful that this will soon be behind us, and you will be able to heal.
  • To the parent of a special needs child,
    Life can be hard, and the future feels uncertain for your child. But remember—this is not forever. Be positive. Be present. Give love. Give grace. We are all loved.
  • May the Lord bless and protect your children. May they be filled with the Holy Spirit. May they feel His presence in their lives.
  • I pray you give yourself grace during the hard years of parenting. Stay close to God and keep going.
  • The first steps are hard to take, but the time, energy, and effort you put in now will have an eternal impact on your family and future generations.
  • I want you to know that I understand your struggles. Being a dad and husband, working, and handling family responsibilities—it’s not easy. But you got this. God is with you always. You will be rewarded for your faithfulness.
  • I’m sorry you are struggling with your daughter. I pray you have patience and wisdom. I pray she learns how to be a daughter of God and walks in His ways. I pray for a peaceful household. God has a special plan for her life!
  • Dear sweet mama,
    I pray that as you parent your fiery, strong-willed 17-year-old daughter, you are filled with peace, hope, and faith.
  • Mom,
    I know you’re trying your best to better your ways. I am praying for you. I love you.
  • I’m sorry you haven’t seen your son or grandson. Rest in the Lord. Hold on. You are loved. You are forgiven. God knows your heart and sees your pain. He is working all things for your good.
  • I pray for your mother’s heart—the part of you that worries over your children and their future. I pray for your high school senior who is unsure of what comes next but has big dreams. I pray for their faith and yours to remain strong. Lord, keep them close to You. Answer their prayers about their dreams and future. I am praying for your high school senior. Please, Jesus, be with them. Help them keep their eyes on You.
  • Dear mother of Godly children,
    I am so sorry you have been alienated from the children you brought into this world with God’s blessing. Never doubt that you were a wonderful, loving, and nurturing mother. Forgive your husband for what he has done. God sees your heart and the love you gave to your children. I will pray for you. Amen.


  • Dear sweet friend,
    I know you are experiencing great physical pain, and you feel like giving up. I have been there. Hang in there! The answers are coming. God has you! Hold on! There is so much more to come. Don’t give up! I’m praying for you. You’ve got this!
  • This too shall pass. May the Lord give you peace in these confusing times. We don’t always understand why He has chosen this path for us, but trust that He has a plan. These surgeries are not the end. God will renew you in ways you cannot fathom. Keep pushing forward. Amen.
  • To the mom facing a diagnosis, afraid she’ll be taken from her family and facing so many unknowns—know that God loves you and your family. Even before they were born, He knew them, loved them, and will take care of them no matter what. I pray for healing and comfort for you. Let God carry your burdens. Cast your cares on Him. Rest in His strength and love.
  • Praying for you, my dear friend! May cancer go away! I am praying for your healing!
  • I am so sorry for your pain and suffering. I know how hard it is when a loved one is going through something so difficult. I am praying for you and your mom. God has you both.
  • I am so sorry that you are experiencing this pain, not knowing what is causing your diagnosis. I know you are afraid, but trust that God is with you. I have struggled with pain too, but when I gave it to Him, I was lifted from it. Fight through this. The outcome will be better. Yes, we suffer, but God’s strength helps us press on.
  • Praying for you. Two months ago, I had a stroke. I know God will heal you. Be strong and continue with your therapy and treatment.
  • I want you to know how much you are loved. It is so hard to watch a loved one suffer with Guillain-Barré Syndrome, and no one truly knows how you feel. I wish I could trade places with them. Love you and praying for you both.
  • I know how hard it is to hear that your vision is declining and that you need surgery to improve it. I am so sorry for what you’re going through. I pray that God’s hand and strength will be with you. Stay strong and trust in Him! He will calm your fear and worry. I love you and will keep praying for you.
  • Her husband just had a stroke. Our God will not forsake you or your family. He will always be with you. Keep the faith! God bless!
  • I know you are facing medical challenges, and I can see and hear the worry in your voice. Please know that I understand, and I am here for you. If you ever need to talk, I am here. I am fervently praying for you. May you feel God’s presence in every step of your healing.
  • Hello, brother/sister,
    I understand the deep pain and confusion of watching your parent suffer a massive stroke. You are grateful they survived, but at the same time, you feel like you’ve lost them because they are paralyzed and unable to function as before. It’s different now, but know that no matter how hard it is, God is still with you. You have been given a gift—you can use your story to reach others who feel just as hurt, angry, sad, and heartbroken as you do. Cherish and love the version of your parent that you still have. God is walking alongside you to comfort you through it all. You got this.
  • I pray that your daily sufferings will come to an end. Trust in God. A few days or weeks from now, you will get better. I don’t know you, but I am praying for you. May God’s blessings be upon you.
  • May you find comfort in the arms of Jesus, knowing that our suffering is not forever. Physical pain was never God’s plan for us. Find healing through rest and worship. I am praying for you. God bless you.
  • You are so strong and always so positive. Fight a strong fight and never lose faith. What we see is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. I will pray for you and your family.
  • I will run through this storm with spiritual, mental, and physical health and well-being. Italy is praying for you, my friend.
  • I’m so sorry that an unexpected accident has left your body broken and sore. Right now, I know it feels like it won’t get better, like all the things this accident took from you won’t be restored. But this isn’t the end. God is bigger than this. He is with you. He will provide, heal, and comfort. You are not alone. This is not impossible. This is not the end of your story.
  • Dear friend,
    I understand the pain that your body is causing you. Sometimes, people who are larger-bodied experience structural breakdowns in their bones and tissues. I know that a medical expert will help figure out a plan to make your feet feel much better. There are better days ahead. Make that appointment! Don’t be afraid for one more day. With love.
  • Dear Precious Child of God,
    I’m so sorry that your life was turned upside down by your diagnosis of severe osteoporosis—just as you thought your life was becoming your own, just as your child set off on their own journey. I know how much pain and fear you are feeling. I know how difficult the treatment decisions are. I also understand the depths of anxiety and despair that come with it. I pray that in the days ahead, you begin to feel comfort. I know how far away the future feels right now, but I pray that your joy returns in Him. I pray that you are strengthened and that you feel peace in a real, tangible way—the peace that surpasses all understanding.
  • Although I have never come close to experiencing the health struggles that you have, I am thankful that you are doing better. I will continue to pray for you. Your faith is an inspiration.
  • I miss all the family that is gone, and I just want to say thank you—thank you for being there, Dad, Mom, Brother.
  • I know it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel right now—that you are going through a painful and excruciating recovery from surgery. But this pain and discomfort are temporary. You will get through this. God is right beside you every step of the way. He will not abandon you. Trust in Him to carry you through this moment. God loves you. I will pray for you. I love you! God bless you!
  • I am so sorry that you are in so much physical pain. I understand how that feels. I love you, Mom, and I am praying for you. It will get better—we will get better together.




  • I know that your home life isn’t what you deserve or desire, but I hope you find peace within yourself and with God. I am praying for you to live a fulfilling life and that everything works out in God’s timing and love. You deserve happiness. God is with you.
  • Even though you’re going through family trouble and it feels like your world is falling apart, like you’re losing the people you love—just know that God is with you every step of the way. He loves you. I love you. Many others love you. Keep going. Keep pushing through. I’m praying for you. You are not alone. Continue to follow God and be the best version of yourself. Stay consistent in prayer, and you will get through this.
  • Hi, beautiful,
    Patience truly is a virtue. I waited a long time to find the love of my life. Don’t rush. Be patient, and God will show up and bring the perfect match into your life.
  • I sincerely apologize that your dad is not here to celebrate your birthday.
  • Bro, I am sorry your dad is difficult to love. I am sorry that he runs away every time you try to get closer. Keep your head up! Never quit loving. Psalm 55:22
  • I know you feel like all the suffering and pain—for you and your family—is your fault. You feel like your mistakes have caused so much hurt. But you are forgiven. Don’t lose faith. Keep pushing through for your family and loved ones. God is good.
  • To my dearest,
    I know this has been a rough season of life for us, but especially for you. You have always been the rock in our family. I pray that God will guide you through this and that I can always be here to support and love you. You will always be mine, and I will always be yours. I love you.
  • I hope this note finds you well. I just wanted to remind you—Even though your relationship with your mother isn’t what you wished it was, the Lord is always by your side. Lean into Him when all else feels lost. 2 Timothy 4:16-18
  • I hope you know that, even though you feel alone and unloved by your family, God has never left you. Every time you survived their abuse, God was leading the way. I pray that soon, you find the love, happiness, and peace you deserve. God bless you. Keep going.
  • I am so sorry for what he did to you. I know you never deserved this. Take it one day at a time. Have faith that this too shall pass. I am here to pray for you. I pray for your peace and healing. Keep praying. You will grow stronger every day.
  • Hey, I know times are tough. Your whole life feels like it’s imploding. Just know that you will get through this. Relationships will mend, or you will come out stronger on the other side. Keep working hard to be the best version of yourself. You got this!
  • I am sorry that the relationship you had did not work out. Just know that everything is in God’s hands and His perfect timing. Even though you may not see the bigger picture now, God has a perfect plan for you. One day, you will have peace over this situation. Trust in Him. Continue to seek God-given joy and love.
  • Your burden sounds like a cry for help. I’m sorry you have been betrayed and that your forever dreams were taken away in an unbelievable moment. Stay positive. Follow the process of Jesus. He will not let you stand alone. Stay steadfast and righteous.
  • Hi, friend,
    I’m so sorry you are dealing with friendship problems. I don’t have the answer as to why this is happening, but I do know that you only need one true friend—Jesus. I know what it feels like to feel betrayed and alone. But God tells us that He is with us in all of our troubles. I pray that you lean into His word. God is your best friend. He is gently knocking on your door, patiently waiting for you to turn to Him. I love you, but more importantly—God loves you!
  • Baby girl,
    I’m sorry your childhood was so sad. I’m sorry your parents didn’t make you feel secure. But remember—they were trying to do the best they could with the little they had. You are loved!
  • I’m sorry you are estranged from your sibling. I know it feels unnatural and creates an emptiness. I will sincerely pray for you and for God’s will in this situation.
  • To whoever is reading this,
    I am so sorry that you lost the only people you could trust. I will be praying for you.
  • I’m sorry that you didn’t get to know your dad or talk with him before he passed. I know it hurts so badly. My heart hurts too. Please pray. And let me help you. I want you to feel your feelings. I want you to live. I want you to feel happiness in your heart again.



  • Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. — 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
  • Hi, I am sorry that your partner or husband doesn’t come to church with you. It’s so hard when a couple has different faiths. I have been through this for about ten years. But I have seen God working—changing my husband’s heart little by little. I believe God will do this for you too. May He strengthen you every day! Keep praying for your partner, and trust that God is moving in ways you cannot yet see.
  • May you find peace in this season of raising kids and praying for family who may not yet know God the Father. You are not alone. Prayers are lifted for you. Blessings to you.
  • Jesus, I pray that You would touch this person’s heart and help them to experience Your love and revival through You. May they feel Your presence in their life. God bless. Jesus loves you.
  • Dear friend,
    I know you’ve gone through a lot, and at times, I may have been pushy about faith. I may have come across as demanding, but please know my heart—God sees you, and He knows where you are. He is still with you. I pray that one day, you will open your heart to Him in a way that feels right for you. He loves you. Sending you all my love. You are saved.
  • I’m sorry you’ve experienced betrayal. Maybe your faith has been shaken, or you’ve lost some of your confidence. But know that you are strong and capable. You can rest in the confidence that our Heavenly Father has got you and loves you endlessly. Praying for you. Don’t give up. God bless.
  • I know how lost you have felt in your faith. I can imagine how scary and lonely that can be. I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, always. God is still with you, and He will guide you back in His perfect timing.



  • If you are going through heartache and confusion, I know it feels like everything is falling apart. The one person you love is walking away, and it’s heartbreaking. But at the end of the day, you are strong. I’m praying for you. Even though this is not easy, you have made it through so many ups and downs. It is painful to walk away from a relationship you loved deeply and to watch that person lose faith in everything. But you are strong. I am here for you—no matter what life brings.
  • I know it feels like the phrase “kick you while you’re down” should have your name next to it. It seems like the world keeps throwing punches from all sides. You lost your job with a guaranteed salary as a single mom already drowning in debt. You feel inadequate and not good enough. Your car broke down. You are single, alone, and feel unlovable. Your teenager is falling into the world—doing drugs, fighting, and got expelled. You struggle with your mental health, hanging by a thread just to be here. You feel like you don’t have a purpose. I’m so sorry. I just want to say—I love you. You are loved by God, and He is with you every step of the way. He is preparing you for something bigger than you can imagine. You are strong, and He is giving you strength. He hears your cries. Keep pushing, keep trusting, keep seeking Him. Breakthrough will come!
  • To the mother who is going through a separation or divorce, I am so sorry that you are facing this painful, difficult time. Not knowing how things will change for you and your children is scary. But know that God has you and your kids. Trust Him to carry you through. He will be by your side and will not abandon you. This too shall pass, and the pain will lessen. He loves you and your children unconditionally. He will give you strength and hope to get through this. From a mother going through the same.
  • You are beautiful. You are enough. You are loved. Know that Jesus loves you. I am so sorry that your spouse made you feel like you were not enough and was unfaithful to you. I know what you are going through. Your feelings are valid, and I am praying for you.
  • Hi! I’m recently divorced, and it felt like my world was ending. But just hang in there—it will get better. It took time, but life has never been better. Stay strong! ♡ -Cas
  • I have gone through a divorce. God was my strength and my rock. You will get through this and grow stronger each day. God bless you.
  • Let it go. Come to the Father. He loves you. He cares.
  • Divorce can have long-term effects on your children. God has brought you through this, but I know it still impacts your kids. They may carry insecurities and hurts. You feel like you failed them because you were supposed to protect them. God loves you. He is working.
  • I know you are struggling to find the strength to leave the relationship you are in. The suffering you feel is almost unbearable at times. You feel guilt because you are unsure how it will affect your family. God will direct you. He will give you the strength to do what you need to do. He will provide and protect you. You are not alone. Trust in Him!
  • I pray that you find joy in the small things. I pray that you can give yourself the same forgiveness that you so willingly give to others. I pray that you move forward and find a better future for you and your kids. I’m sorry they treated you so badly. But you deserve better. Don’t give up.
  • Dear fellow believer, I was left with three small children by a man who called himself a Christian husband. It still hurts years later, but I can tell you—God carried me through. When others left me, He never did. Trust Him. You will be okay!
  • I know what it feels like to understand how Job felt in the Bible—when nothing in life goes right. A lawsuit that wasn’t your fault could make you lose everything. Your husband of 14 years left you and has now turned your children against you. You are struggling financially and facing health problems. Your oldest child has gone astray. I am praying for you to stay strong as a single mom.
  • I am very sorry that you are going through a painful and sad divorce. I know how difficult and heartbreaking this can be. Please remember how much God loves you. No matter the reason for your divorce, God cares for you infinitely. It may take time, but God can heal your heart, day by day. Lean into Him and trust Him to lead you.
  • My friend, I hope you know that you are enough. The person who left you is missing out on an incredible person. You are loved more than you know. Most importantly, God loves you more than you know.
  • You are doing what is right and best for yourself and your children. You deserve to be happy, peaceful, and joyful. Your children deserve to see you living in contentment. Divorce is more difficult than anyone can ever imagine—it turns your world upside down. But moving toward a life you deserve is brave. You will make it to the other side stronger.
  • The trauma of domestic violence, the shame and guilt of divorce, and the fears of being a single parent—these are heavy burdens. They are hard now, but they will lessen over time. Triggers will come, but healing will get easier. You are not the lies they told you. You are who God says you are! You are not alone.
  • God is rescuing you. He saw where your life was heading. You and your kids deserve better. He couldn’t wait any longer to rescue you. Keep your eyes on Him. He has already paved the way before you.